Bronze Award





used art supplies or application soft

Adobe Illustrator

Artist comments

"Birds under the Moon" is the starting point of this series of works.
When drawing this series of works, I chose to use points, lines and planes to express the relationship between the moon and birds.
I choose high saturation contrasting colors to emphasize the characteristics of birds and the impact of the picture.



Sharp and balanced composition.
I love the bright color palette you chose.

Sigal Caspin Segal

Excellent modeling skills and compositional abilities.

Yidong Cai

Excellent proficiency of graphic stylization. The vivid colors are counterbalanced by clear shapes that give it a very graceful appearance.
The art process gives the artist the chance to overcome the constraints of his preferred medium but also gives the chance to play around with his very own and beautiful human constraints.
AI deprived us from this. Stay strong.

Jose Sanchez

The artist shows interesting and unique ways of using dot, line and plane.
The artist shows well designed layout for the illustration with stunning and beautiful color combinations

Eunbi Kang

This graphic design-like work with a bird and the moon as motifs has a strong impact.  All elements of the lines and objects are lean, and the colors are well balanced and beautifully integrated into the screen.

Mayuko Utanishi


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Japan Illustrators' Association / Illustration gallery / Illustration competition / Illustrator of the year

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