Bronze Award


Father's garden

Falling into the water

Fairy land

used art supplies or application soft


Artist comments

This is a story of courage.
Elves survive by eating children's dreams.
Each child's dream taste is different.
The good dream is sweet,the nightmare is sour and bitter.
The elves decided to help the children overcome their fears.



Beautiful colorful whimsical nature. The color choices are great.

Sigal Caspin Segal

A work that is unified as a whole.

Yidong Cai

Everything about these artworks is wonderful! The clarity of the stylized forms with compositions that take care of the storytelling is superb. The characters, especially the Elves, are so charming.
The art process gives the artist the chance to overcome the constraints of his preferred medium but also gives the chance to play around with his very own and beautiful human constraints.
AI deprived us from this. Stay strong.

Jose Sanchez

It is impressive that the story of courage was conveyed through beautiful stories and illustrations.
In particular, the unique fairytale style colors and textures convey nostalgia and heartwarming feelings to the viewer.
This is a picture that shows the artist's high level of understanding of art materials.

Eunbi Kang

I think it is interesting that the entire illustration is organized in a rounded corner shape with a margin around it.
The fact that each of the illustrations depicts different landscapes and materials in close tones is also distinctive and gives the illustrations individuality.
I felt that the touch of the illustrations is eye-catching not only in picture books but also in illustrations for books in which the illustrations do not play the main role.

Mayuko Utanishi


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