Bronze Award



Pavilion of Desire

Menstrual Bless

Acne Flower

Meditation Pool

used art supplies or application soft


Artist comments

This series of artworks I call the "Animism Garden".
I was drawn to the non-human side of the world -- nature.
Sometimes I look at all great beings in nature, and they mirror and make me reflect on my inner world as a human.
How should I face my queerness, desire, sickness, anxiety, and the "suffer" as a bio-female human?
I create these non-human elements with human phenomena, to inform our psyche and body as parts of nature, and find inner peace and strength in the Animism Garden.



Beautiful dreamy textures.
Unique poetic atmosphere.
Well balanced compositions.

Sigal Caspin

CANTOKUN's artwork features beautiful colors and delicate forms, displaying strong aesthetic appeal.
It is an outstanding work.

Yidong Cai

These are beautiful psychological landscapes. Playing around with organic geometric shapes and the tension between the elements is certainly a very good resource to communicate emotions.
The art process gives the artist the chance to overcome the constraints of his preferred medium but also gives the chance to play around with his very own and beautiful human constraints.
AI deprived us from this. Stay strong.

Jose Sanchez

It is impressive how the artist is connecting the great nature with the artist’s inner world and themselves.
The Shape language is sophisticatedly delivered with delightful colors.

Eunbi Kang

This interesting work expresses the inner world of human beings using nature motifs such as plants, sky, and water.
While the artist uses many sharp lines and shapes, the colors are feminine and gentle in tone, which I think creates a unique world.

Mayuko Utanishi


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Japan Illustrators' Association / Illustration gallery / Illustration competition / Illustrator of the year

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